The Centre’s Activities are correlated with the economic, social and environmental interests and with the priorities set by the strategies for sustainable development at national and European level and with Agenda 21:
- elaboration of studies and analyses of territorial trends, perspectives and impact of sectoral policies
- development of methods and tools for measuring, monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development
- elaboration of background and impact studies for the construction of highways
- elaboration of traffic studies
- developing apparatuses for spatial planning
- cost-benefit analyses
- active participation in workgroups for sustainable development
- elaborating models of development taking account of the specific territorial characters
- elaboration of comparable territorial indicators and analytical tools
- promoting, fostering and developing collaboration between the research centre, business sector and public authorities
- application on different programs of funding projects that meet the requirements of sustainable development
- providing inputs on the strategic documents and as well as contributions to develop strategies for sustainable development at local level through Agenda 21